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What's Waiting For You In Surplus Trader Secrets Coaching Program

Here's What You Get In Surplus Trader Secrets Coaching Program

  • The Surplus Trader Secrets Masterclass Coaching Program: The ultimate step-By-Step blueprint on how to start & grow a surplus inventory business. You’ll get the exact systems and methods to start & build a profitable surplus stock business. I leave nothing out. You’re going to learn every little detail, strategy, and trick I use in my own business that earns thousands every month. ($4997 Value)
  • Done-For-You Email Letter Templates : I'm giving you my personal proven & effective email letters that I send to suppliers that gets me dozens of surplus inventory offer replies every day. Plus an email template you can send to potential buyers, that will get attention ($197 Value)
  • ​VIP Access To My Private Facebook Group: Here you can see what’s working for for me and other students. AND you’ll get live fortnightly group coaching from me. Plus regular new content. Your investment in the Surplus Trader Secrets Coaching Program doesn’t even come close to what I should charge to get this kind of access to me. I’m here to help you grow your surplus stock business get results. I'm available for 24/7 support for you to ask me anything you want. ($4,995 Value)
  • The Finders Fees Coaching Program: This is one of the best and most highly effective programs I've created. You will learn the #1 most recession proof skill on how to earn finders fees, without even buying or selling anything. Best of all, it's probably the easiest money you can make, just for finding surplus inventory. This program is packed with loads of high value bonus training worth over $3000. ($997 Value)
  • VIP Access To My Private Network Of Buyer Contacts With 1-2-1 Coaching And "Done For You" Service On Your Inventory Offers  - I don't just give this to anyone, only my inner circle of students. So what I offer here is the opportunity to put your surplus inventory offers in front of my network of buyer contacts, to help you get results faster & easier. I will take over and try and find a buyer, and basically put the "deal" together, negotiate prices with the buyer & supplier, pay for the goods, and organise the whole deals. You will earn "finders fees" which will be a profit share on the deal.  ($4995 Value) PRICELESS
  • ​​Limited Edition E-Book On: 101 Ways To Source Highly Profitable Products Cheaper Than China  This is the bible of super effective ways to find surplus & liquidation inventory using fast & effective methods, mostly through online searches. You'll get step-by-step instructions for each method, including specific Google search keywords, so you can find an abundance of surplus consistently and effectively. These methods can be used for finding any products, across any industry, in any country you choose. ($197 Value)
  • Get 100 New Buyers Contact Details Every Month - You'll the contact details of real-time buyer enquiries each month, who are looking for surplus stock deals. These could be retailers, wholesalers, online shops, importers, exporters, brokers, traders etc. You will get the name, business name, email address, phone number, country location and what products they are looking for. And you will get 100 brand new contacts every months, all year around ($1995 Value)
  • Live Group Coaching Calls On Zoom - Join our live zoom coaching calls, where we look at students inventory offers, new strategies, what's working, and general tips & Q&A's. These are normally fortnightly group coaching calls, but may vary depending on how many people attend. Will always be announced in the Facebook group in advance ($2000 value)
Only $5000
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Limited Time Offer 


  • Bonus 1 - Wholesale Arbitrage Method : I show you the latest methods I use to buy wholesale surplus stock inventory from one place online, then flip the stock onto another place online...without holding or seeing the stock ! Wholesale Arbitrage is a totally untapped market and goldmine that you need to try. You can run this as a new business, or alongside an existing business. ($197 value)
  • ​Bonus 2 - Buy & Flip Stock Onto Ebay/Amazon Sellers: Step by step ways to find eBay & Amazon shop customers to sell your surplus stock to. How to build lists of potential eBay & Amazon customers who could be your customers. How to approach these Ebay & Amazon shops and what to say to them. How to make a deal without even seeing the lots more! ($197 Value)
  • ​Bonus 3 - Get My Secret Google Keywords Cheat Sheet To Find Surplus Inventory Like A Pro: One of my expert online ways to find surplus inventory, is using Google to locate companies. But there are specific keywords & phrases you can use to find hundreds, even thousands of new supplier contact, using these untapped methods ($197 Value)
  • Bonus 4 - Secrets To Getting Dozens Of Surplus Inventory Offers Sent To Your Mailbox On Autopilot: The trick to this business, is getting a constant stream of surplus stock offers sent to your email box 24/7 every day. I'll show you how you can do this on autopilot. This method gets me surplus stock offers all day, everyday..even while i'm asleep! ($197 Value)
  • Bonus 5 - How To Buy & Sell Retailer Returns Like A Pro: Around $440 billion worth of merchandise is returned to retailers each year – the majority of which doesn’t go back on store shelves and is ultimately sold off in bulk. One company’s headache is another’s opportunity, and for small businesses there has never been a better time to source returned and excess merchandise on the secondary market. ($197 Value)
  • Bonus 6 - Trade Show Secrets & How To Source Surplus Inventory Without Even Attending: Learn the systems I use to source surplus stocks from trade show exhibitors without even attending. This technique has saved me thousands over the years on flights, expensive hotels and more importantly TIME. This valuable method you can copy & steal and use wherever you are in the world ($197 Value)
  • ​Bonus 7 - How To Source Surplus Inventory & Sell Onto Auction Companies: How to locate Auction houses that will BUY ! How to find out what to sell to them. The best way to contact them & what to say. How to put a deal together with lots more ! If you're not already selling stock to Auction companies, this training will show you exactly how to SELL to these companies.($197 Value)
  • Bonus 8 - How To Buy Surplus Inventory From One Manufacturer & Sell Onto Another Manufacturer: Discover this great untapped market of sourcing surplus stock from one manufacturer, then flipping the stock onto another manufacturer. Follow step by step the methods I use to source surplus stock, then find another manufacturer to buy the stock. This process is going backwards in the supply chain and not many people in the surplus business use this method. ($197 Value)
  • ​Bonus 9 - How To Source Surplus Inventory From High Street Retailers: High street retailers are battling to compete with online retailers and they now have more surplus stocks than ever before, due to more shoppers buying online. This is a goldmine opportunity for the surplus stock trader. Watch the methods I use to target retailers, how I approach them, what to say and how to make a deal with them. ($197 Value)

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If you have any trouble with the training program and we fail to help you resolve the issue when you contact us about it, we’ll give you 100% of your money back if you ask within 30 days of your purchase.
We don’t offer a no questions asked refund so please provide a genuine reason and show us proof that you implemented everything in the training. 

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All orders are through a very secure network. Your credit card information is never stored in any way. We respect your privacy...
Frequently Asked Questions

#1: Why is this course sold in dollar currency 

This is an international course created for anyone across the world, so I set the price in the dollar currency, which the main currency used across the world.

#2: Do you have to invest money in inventory or anything else, once course is purchased?

Absolutely not. You will never have to invest ANY money in inventory, using the awesome methods that I teach. The only investment after you have purchased the course, would be a bulk email software programme, but this is optional and there are lots of free ones you can use online.

#3: Can this really be done on the side of your job or existing business?

Here's a little secret: I built my surplus inventory business during my lunch breaks many years ago! That’s right! I was working a regular 9 to 5 job just like you when I first started. However, I spent a few hours everyday during my lunch break and evenings learning and building contacts, that eventually gave me enough financial independence to go full-time.

#4: When I find surplus inventory, do you put me in contact with your buyers?

In the course, I teach you in detail how to find buyers that you can offer the surplus inventory you have found. However, I offer to my students a VIP service for free, where you can show your inventory offers to me, and I will offer them to my personal network of buyer contacts, so you can get deals easier & faster. If I find a buyer, I will then help put the whole deal together and help you make some money. 
[Disclaimer: This is subject to the inventory price being workable & finding a firm buyer for the goods]

#5. Is this market saturated...will most companies (sellers) already have been contacted?

Absolutely not. Here’s why. This market is so under saturated, it would take decades to even come close to anything perceived as saturation. And even then we wouldn't be able to keep up with the demand.

There are millions of companies across the world to go “find” unsold inventory from. There would never ever be enough people in the world to contact all these companies to find all the millions of surplus inventories out there. So be assured, there’s “gold” out there for everyone who does this.

If you want saturated, then go try online retail, dropshipping, affiliate marketing etc ! 

#6: Can you run a surplus inventory business all from home?

Yes, 100% you can be a finder from home, as you only need a computer and the internet to operate as a finder. As long as you have these, you can do it from home, sat in a cafe !...or literally anywhere with wifi.

#7: What kind of hours do you need to put into this, to get some deals?

As the old saying goes "you get out what you put in". Obviously the more time & work you put into this, the more chances of you getting surplus inventory offers and making deals happen  However, I always say consistency is more important than hard work. Even if you are doing this for as little as an hour a day..BUT every day, then you will begin to start see results. Realistically, if you're only spending a day or two a week on it, then results will be slower and sourcing, buying & selling surplus stock will not be so good.

#8: Is this a business that can be scaled & partly automated?
Yes, very much so. There are various ways you can scale, such as targeting and growing contacts in specific countries, product categories and industries. You could also reach a stage where you build your own team of "finders", who bring deals to you that they find. VA's can be used in this business also, to build email address lists and a range of other admin tasks.

#9: Once I take the course, how long until I will see results?

The truth is, once you start to implement the methods I teach, potentially you can see results within days, certainly using the method I teach about starting with your existing network of contacts. It's very much about contacts and what surplus inventory they have at that moment you contact them. Which, if the right surplus inventory, could quickly turn into a profitable opportunity. So no time limit with results. But that's always going to be based on the effort you put in.

#10: Can I do this in my country..does this work in any country?

Yes you can do this from ANY country you are based. The reason why is because I the methods I teach of buying & selling surplus stock can work, not just in your own country, but any country. The great thing about being a finder is, you are free to look for surplus inventory in any country and then re-sell to another country. It does not matter where you are located in the world.

#11: How quickly can I get rich?
I’m not promising a get-rich-quick scheme, but I am promising that you will build a successful business that will continuously bring you money in the short and long-term, if you implement what I teach and take action consistently.

#12: If this really works, why are you sharing it?
My wife said I was crazy to create this course because I'm literally giving away every secret I know about how to make money as a finder. But I don't care! I believe in abundance, not scarcity. There is so much money to be made in this business, that I know we can all benefit from it!

Besides, I'm in my 50's and I've learned how to do something that changed my life. I really like teaching it to others and seeing the change in their lives.

#13: This seems too good to be true. Does it really work?
Yes, it does! I doubted this business model myself before I got started years ago, but those doubts have been shattered. Especially since I created a new modern way of flipping inventory. All 100% online. Every single method & strategy I teach in my course, I use myself in my inventory flipping business.

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